USS Cairo

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Welcome to the USS Cairo, NCC-42136-B

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night


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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Fri May 28, 2010 2:56 pm

    So I want to get discussion going on our current mission. So I what do you all think of the current mission? What do you have planned for your mirror character? What would you like to see in this mission?

    I think everything is going good as I am seeing very good character development going on. I am liking what I am seeing with the Mirror crew so far. I am going to let the posting as Mirror Cairo for a little bit longer until we run into each other.

    Oh and what would you like to see when we run into the Mirror Cairo from either sides perspective. How will the original Cairo get back to their own time? Will the Mirror Cairo want to destroy them? or Help them?

    What do you all think?
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Alyssia Fri May 28, 2010 7:43 pm

    Mirror Cairo =

    Rufus (human) game plan is take over the ship through whatever means possible without getting himself spaced. Anyone helps him, he'll reciprocate anyway he can.

    Alyssia is an Emergancy Medical Nurse Hologram / Serveant. An Intruder AI program. But can't kill anyone as programmed prime directive

    now everyone knows what them two's agenda is affraid
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Carmine Fri May 28, 2010 8:46 pm

    well, um, um, i cant play Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night 66e97861c700e0764cf055e

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sat May 29, 2010 12:03 am

    Why can't you play??? Suspect

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sat May 29, 2010 12:54 am

    Well, I guess you can try but ya might not succeed lol, cause M'risa still needs to be alive for when they run into the real USS Cairo (with the good people on it). So maybe after they get back to their own time can they kill the Mirror M'risa lol

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sat May 29, 2010 1:20 am

    I was just been doing some thinking, (I know that is dangerous lol) but, was thinking maybe when the Mirror Cairo runs into the other Cairo, maybe the Mirror M'risa wants to destroy them so they can't return to the other universe. Maybe the Mirror M'risa wants to go there instead which causes trouble. So, the crew doesn't like that idea and teams up to try to over throw the Mirror M'risa she she can't.

    Then, after they either kill M'risa, put her in the brig, make her suffer whatever your imagination will go. This is good character development. They then help the other Cairo to return to their own time.

    What does everyone think? I know after I do JP's with a few people for the Mirror Cairo I will be doing some posts for the real Cairo possible JP's maybe a ship wide JP again where they run into the Mirror Cairo.

    This is leaving room open for really good character development, so feel free to post as our normal characters, getting the ship systems (weapons, shields, engines) back online, what your character is doing etc.

    This mission has been going good, and I am really enjoying this mission. The Cairo is doing far more better then it has been in the past and I want to thank you for everything. Without all of you I wouldn't be here having so much fun.

    So your thoughts?
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Carmine Sat May 29, 2010 9:04 am

    well, we could do what we have been doing on IM minus the 18+ parts and the killing of one crew member who will go unnamed (or just kill some one else, any volunteers? :p) and when they either kill her Carmine goes berserk and ends up killed or something, or when before shes captured and tortured (eeek)he betrays her but helps her to get off the ship. i dunno its up to you lol
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Alyssia Sat May 29, 2010 10:36 am

    Mirror Rufus will do what ever means to succeed. So I see him either going either way. but for the sake of the storyline ... there will be many more attempts .. none succeeding ....

    Mirror Alyssia (EMNH) will flee the Mirror Cairo to the USS Cairo, helping them for exchange of staying with the ship Wink letting Rufus face the wrath of the crew whom he gotten addicted to narcotics.

    That's the basic of the planned sl for them two...

    Cairo Lt.Cmdr Wolfblade will be her usual self squeakies Smile
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Gen Sat May 29, 2010 11:37 am

    Well, I have something so wicked and twistedly evil when Gen attacks M'Risa in the Mirror Cairo. It's gonna be awesome.

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sun May 30, 2010 1:47 am

    Well here is what I see how this will go down,

    Gen: is M'risa's slave but hates M'risa because of all the stuff that she puts her though. She is currently in the Brig but doesn't get out until M'risa tries to destroy the real Cairo with the help of Rufus.

    Alyssia/Rufus: Is thinking about money and wants to see M'risa dead, tries several attempts but fails at each one really bad.

    Collis: Doesn't like M'risa also wants to see her gone, also attempts to do away with her but fails several times.

    Tirol: Doesn't care to much for M'risa, wants Gen but M'risa won't give her up, plots to kill her for Gen to set her free but also fails. For the moment has to put up with her every demand.

    Carmine: is only on the Mirror Cairo, he is actually on M'risa's side, like her lover, basically will protect M'risa but won't kill anyone (other then none used NPC's) But possibly gets killed along with M'risa for support her. (Sorry I really don't want any of the Mirror characters coming back to the real time.)

    The only ones I an't sure of are Taylor and Eldun. But they won't kill, torcher, whatever to M'risa until M'risa tries to destroy the real Cairo. They then quickly get together, freeing Gen without M'risa's knowledge and come up with a plan on capturing M'risa and whatnot. Then decide who will take over the ship as its new Commanding Officer. Help the real Cairo get back to their own time and then go on about their normal lives.

    This is what I would like to see, do character development but also don't forget about your normal characters. They won't find the Mirror Cairo yet because its currently cloaked but they will be repairing the ship and will run into them when I am done with doing a few more joint Posts.

    So what does everyone think?

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  leonidas32 Sun May 30, 2010 2:03 am

    Sounds like a interesting start for what things are to come.

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sun May 30, 2010 2:07 am

    yea cause I would like to see very good character development happen in this mission. I will also be working on the outline of our next mission and what it is about. within the next few days.

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  leonidas32 Sun May 30, 2010 2:15 am

    Even though the storyline has just started a storyline is all ready getting put together for the future.

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sun May 30, 2010 2:18 am

    Well you will see what it is been planning this thing for a while now cause it will actually fit perfectly and you will see why when I post up the information on it. This will be another good character development mission especially for M'risa.
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Alyssia Sun May 30, 2010 8:47 am

    squeakies . anything is good if Alyssia can steal a ship bounce cyclops
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Carmine Sun May 30, 2010 9:10 am

    she can have my shuttle Laughing that is if my master allows it Twisted Evil

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  leonidas32 Sun May 30, 2010 4:06 pm

    Yeah if anyone really wants to get a good idea how mirror Tirol is going by, look at Quark from DS 9. Very Happy
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Gen Sun May 30, 2010 4:20 pm

    Gen really needs you in the Mirror Universe.

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sun May 30, 2010 5:27 pm

    No one is to get Gen out until After we run into the other cairo and M'risa wants to destroy it so they can't go back to there own time.
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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Carmine Sun May 30, 2010 5:29 pm

    shes pure evil, just how i like my women Twisted Evil :p

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    Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night Empty Re: Episode 5: A Stranger in the Night

    Post  Mrisa Sun May 30, 2010 5:33 pm


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