USS Cairo

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Welcome to the USS Cairo, NCC-42136-B

    Forum Rules


    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2010-05-28

    Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

    Post  Mrisa Sun May 30, 2010 2:32 am

    Hello everyone,

    I just want to outline some rules for when posting on the USS Cairo Forums, I know we are all adults here and know how to behave ourselves but if I don't outline some rules then things will get sorta out of hand down the road for new comers and such.

    1. Keep things PG-13; no over sexual posts, foul language posts allowed. This is for anyone who happens to be browsing the forums that is not a member of the crew.

    2. These forums are in compliance with Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) which means anyone under the age of 13 will be removed from the forums.

    3. Threads older than three weeks are considered out-dated and dead. Please do not post in these threads as they have ran their course.

    4. You are only allowed one account per user on this forum. A second account can be approved by the Administration on a case-by-case basis. Anyone found violating this rule will have their second account deleted and their primary account suspended for up-to 24 hours on the first offense. This is so that way no one person can play as more then one character.

    5. Flaming, Trolling, Poaching, Discrimination, etc, will not be tolerated in any degree. Anyone found in violation of this rule can and will be removed. Depending on the degree of violation JAG might become involved.

    6. Due to real-life legal reasons the USS Cairo does not support illegal activities. Any such post talking about, in any manner, will be removed and if warranted be reported to the proper authorities.

    7. In efforts to try and remove drama the following topics are prohibited from being discussed: Politics and Religion

    8. Anyone found to be pouching members from other Fleets, this ship for any other sim (including this one) will get a warning, the second offense will be removal. This is to decrease any drama, bad name, etc.

    9. But the most important rule of all is we are here to have fun. Please enjoy yourself while respecting everyone on this sim.

    10. Most of all this is a drama free environment. So, please do not talk about anything going on outside of the Cairo/Antares Fleets. (which includes other fleets)

    Please follow these rules anyone breaking any of these rules could face suspension and/or removal depending on the rule being broken.


      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 1:01 pm