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    A life that should've been lived


    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2010-05-28

    A life that should've been lived Empty A life that should've been lived

    Post  leonidas32 Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:50 am

    OOC: Just thought you guys might want to see what I have written for my book that I am hoping to publish.

    The Life that need to be lived
    By Trever Burden

    Arenia, a world surrounded in mystery & intrigue with their culture and experience that is barely shared with any outsiders only with a several few chosen by the council. However, those that do get a chance to come to this lush and beautiful world find what truly awaits them on the planet. However a lot of people find that the strange species that inhabit the world as strange & are uncomfortable with the idea of their children attending their academy even a special one with ‘animals’ or so they claim. However that term is used lightly nowadays because of the fact that there are people still on Earth that are racial with the idea.

    Some of the views are different especially with those that are offered the chance however most go there with very stupid thoughts in their heads. With the lucky few that were accepted, their point of views could change at times during their stay there, which would be soon realized.



    Sitting in a somewhat humid room was not what Azzaaraka thought as fun or an assignment being assigned as Base CO for the GROPO, the A’Renian version of the Special Forces. Azzaaraka had been part of the initial group that help organize the training facility & program placing several pieces together to act for allowing the groups to perform in more harsher environment and types of missions. Pieced together from the Earth’s USA SEALs and Russian Speznaz’s combined into the A’Renians own version of Special Forces. One of the only forces that the ground Pounders clan actually sent out people to the academy in search of possible students to attend so any that had hopes on going to recruiting offices were disappointed although many all ready knew that only a select few got choice to take part in it.

    Having hope that she would get assigned to one of the first teams that were created however it was felt that her expertise was needed at the academy on getting the first teams to be set up. This was not one thing that she wanted to hear as she filed an argument with the Elder Council however, she began to realize that she was chosen for a task to train the Special Forces for Arenia.
    Tough training regimen sent the cadets through extreme conditions preparing the future Special Forces teams in modern combat ranging from space fights to ground fighting which all aspects got very violent at times. The training was known to be very harsh too point that many of the cadets were known to die because of the stress that was implemented during the training.
    For 60 weeks of training and preparation if the cadets could handle it, the training and life of taking on the most dangerous missions for the Ground Pounders and rest of the A’Renian people lay ahead of them. Letting out a sigh sitting back in her chair as a new file came to her desk just that morning announcing a new addition to the training roster adding all ready to a long list of well-known cadets all ready arriving to the academy.

    Azzaaraka had not had a chance to really look at the file all ready having gone through what seemed thousands of files getting to know about the cadets arriving there. It was necessary to prepare a training regimen for each class that way each field that the GROPO actually met into the field. However, the fields had not changed one bit since the beginning so the routine continued on daily without any real change.

    However that was about to change as the comm on her desk beeped drawing her attention back to the present making her lean forward punching the receiving end on the comm. “Yes, what is it, Lt.?”

    “Ma’am, one of the new cadets is here with orders to report to you directly by the Elder Council, He just arrived on a shuttle that just came in.” her assistant voice responded with as much surprise as Azzaaraka sounded. Cadets normally would not report to the CO unless there was some kind of circumstances that require only her knowing the true circumstance of the person is being there.

    “Send them in.” She said hitting the transmit button before sitting back. “Do we have a name on the individual?”

    “He is going by Hunter, although he rather tells you in person.” the assistant answered making the mystery even deeper. “Very well, send him in.”
    The doors hissed opened as she riffled through the documents looking for the exact file for the cadet as the mystery that shrouded around the cadet was starting to drive her insane. She did not look up until the door closed and a file appeared in front of her muzzle causing her to draw back in surprise. Looking up, she found a figure that was partially hidden by the sunset light allowing for only half of his features causing her to reach for the light at her desk however, he stopped her.

    “Please, I am not use to the light.” The figure said as she noticed that the dark shade of sunglasses covered his eyes causing Azzaaraka to raise an eyebrow before taking the file in hand using what light that she could to begin to go over the file.

    “Mmmm, Mr. Falcon…strange name.” she said shaking her head as she found that the mystery went deeper. Upon reading through the file going through items quickly finding that, the life of the figure before her was cut in half by a shroud of mystery. The file only revealed the time of in the academy and performances up to the point of the fifth year in which something seemed different. “It says here that in Heavy Arms training throughout your stay, however it says that you didn’t start getting up into Ground Defense courses until going through each year.”

    “That is correct.” the figure answered staying calm.

    “You understand that one of the qualities that the GROPO have that we search for is strategy and a great ability for ground combat. Not being in the cockpit like our opposite group that range in what the human’s would call them as TOP Gun’s. At the end or beginning of your fifth year at the academy, were you ever approached by a reprehensive to join them?” she inquired raising an eyebrow.

    “Ummm, yes however-”

    “Then why didn’t you choice. From what your file says here it would seem that you are more qualified for the area.” she said not trying to discourage him but she was curious as what the reason was for the mystery.

    “Well that kind of is a long story, ma’am.” he responded somewhat sounding a bit hesitant about telling the story as he knew that the full story was truly one that some wouldn’t quite understand unless they were there.

    “I’ve got time.” she said sitting back in her chair waiting for the answer. The figure let out a sigh of uncertainty before reaching over and flipping on the switch to the light on the desk revealing everything in the office including his appearance.

    Thus the story begins-five and a half months before:

    <I may go into the book a bit more I don't want to reveal too much now.

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